its been a very long time when i last visited the beaches , finally last week i got a really good reason to visit the beaches again , fred is going to fly to US and since he is not going to be here anymore so we decided to head to the beach to spend some quality time together.... here we come PD!!!!!
when we reached PD we headed to EAGLE RANCH to play paint ball, damn it was really fun and to capture the flag twice..... my adrenaline was HUGE.......
me in blue
after the bloody war game that leave me with a few bruises on my airbags (stomach fats) we headed to extreme park for more adrenalin rush...GO CARTS damn they were fast and i drifted alot....without any suspension on them my butt almost kai hua (imagine your butt with flowers that are about to bloom) damn it hurts lor....
and and next time when you are on those go carts (besides those one in genting) remember to tie your helmet... my helmet almost flew off.....
huh third...
went to the beach after that was freaking sunny that day played a few games of beach volleyball, beach football and giving up trying to fly my kite i decided to climb TREES..haha it was fun although i almost fell off once but it was still fun...
trying to look out for chun gals but only see the ice cream man .....(sad case)
giving up and try to rest abit that was when i nearly fell damn the feeling was nice...:)
20 feet coconut tree
after that went walking hand in hand on the each with my dearest gal friend...... walk walk step step on those pityful little hermit crabs(sorry mr hermit) found a bench and rested there ....she is great when it come to meeee....
end of story...haha
over rall PD aint that bad after all